Gemma Tully

Community Archaeologist

I have always been interested in the past and what it means to other people. I studied archaeology at University in England and was lucky enough to travel to Egypt to work on a project in al-Quseir, on the Red Sea. My role was to find local people’s ideas and stories about the history of their town and to see how these stories could be combined with the discoveries made by the archaeologists who were excavating nearby. Today, as well as working on the Mograt Island Archaeological Mission, where I help to bring local people and the archaeologists together to share information and get to know each other, I have a job at a Museum in a town called Saffron Walden in the UK. This is great for me as I get to work with communities in England and Sudan! I live in Cambridge, which is a beautiful city. My sister lives just down the road and we like to go walking and to ride our bikes along the river Cam (a lot smaller than the Nile!), in our spare time. There is a lot of great archaeology near Cambridge. One of my favourite places is called Bartlow Hills. It used to be a Roman cemetery and has some of the largest burial mounds in Europe.

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